महिला माउते

केही वर्ष अगाडी सम्म एकाधलाई छाडेर हेर्ने हो भने देशमा महिलाहरु घरधन्दामा नै सिमित देखिन्थे । तर पछिल्लो समयमा प्राय सबै क्षेत्रमा महिलाहरु सहभागी मात्र भएका छैनन् वास्तवमा सफल नै भएका छन् ।
यस्तै फरक व्यवसाय र काममा संलग्न हुने क्रमलाई निरन्तरता दिँदै चितवनको सौराहमा हात्ती कजाउन र दौडाउन माउते बन्न पुगेकी छिन् मीना चौधरी । सम्भवत उनी नेपालकै पहिलो महिला माउते पनि हुन पुगेकी छिन् ।
उनी बिहानै देखि हात्तीको स्याहार सुसार गर्दै पुरुष सरह नै सबै दैनिकीमा अभ्यस्त भइसकेकी छिन् । एउटी महिला पृथ्वीमा पाइने सबै भन्दा ठूलो जनवारको टाउको माथि बसेर कुदाइ रहेको देख्ने जो कोही अचम्म मानेर हेर्ने गर्छन् ।
एका बिहानै उठेर हात्ती लिएर जंगलमा घाँस लिन गयो अनि फर्केर हात्तीको दाना बनाउने र खुवाउने गर्छिन् । पुरुष माउतेहरु सँगै मेसमा दाल, भात, तरकारी, अचार पकाए पछि सबै सँग बसेर खाना खाँदै आज पर्यटकहरु कति छन् भनेर सोधखोज गर्छिन् । खाना खाई सकेपछि पर्यटकहरुलाई हात्तीमा जंगल घुमाउन लैजाने गर्छिन् । शुरुमा त महिला माउते देख्दा पर्यटक डराउने पनि गर्दछन् तर एकछिन चढिसकेपछि चाँही ढुक्क हुने गर्दछन् । उनले माउतेको काम सिकेर हात्ती कुदाउन लागेको देखेपछि अर्को एक जना महिला पनि सिक्न आएर माउते भइसकेकी छिन् र अहिले उनलाई महिला माउते साथी भएकी छिन् ।
A few years back, disregarding a handful, women were limited only to household works but lately they not only limited their activity to participation but also have achieved success in all sectors.
Mahout, which is regarded as a masculine job, is the occupation of Mina Chaudhary of Sauraha. Her choice of employment has most likely made her the first recognized female mahout of Nepal.
It has become her daily routine to clean, feed and ride the elephant and many people who are lucky enough to witness this scene spend a moment of thought in fathoming how a mere woman can control the biggest animal on land. Some people inspired by this thought.
Even some tourists become concerned if not afraid to learn a woman will be at their service for the day but soon their doubt morphs into confidence once they perceive her skills that are stronger than some male mahouts.
She rises with the sun, and heads off to the jungle to collect edibles for her elephant and on her return, she lunches with other mahouts who are all men, discussing the tourists that they will be servicing for the day.
After being stirred by her confidence and aim, another woman had chosen to become her apprentice, who is now a fully qualified mahout herdelf, giving Mina a friend to work alongside.